Meryl Snow

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Effective Stress Management Techniques You Need to Know

If you often feel depleted after a long day at work, rest assured that you are not alone. This has been an extremely stressful time. I know you and your team are wearing many hats for the past two years. But while it’s normal to be busy and constantly moving, doing so without giving yourself enough time to rest can put you at risk for burnout and have long-term consequences on your health. So, what can you do when your stress level is through the roof? Let’s dive into some healthy habits that can help you relieve tension.


Physical and digital clutter is not only unsightly, but it also drains your time and energy. When your files and documents get buried under the mess, it can disrupt your workflow and cause unnecessary problems.

Keep your workspace organized by having a designated place for everything, and make sure to return things whenever you take them out. Trust me, it will make life so much easier for you.

And when your office is finally tidied up, it’s time to get your virtual mess under control. Start by deleting unimportant files and unsubscribing from junk emails such as ads, subscriptions, and other promotional content. You can also create an organizing system to help you sort through your files and emails and make important information easy to find.  

Prepare ahead

Rehashing that weekly to-do list multiple times can leave you overwhelmed and restless. Avoid stressing yourself out by spending some time every Thursday to list down all the tasks and plans for the coming week. That way, you don’t get overwhelmed and can easily prioritize tasks when the unexpected happens.

Delegate tasks

As soon as you wake up, you probably hit the ground running by answering a seemingly endless stream of emails, reviewing your mile-long task list, checking your calendar for meetings, and so on. In the hustle culture we live in, we often forget that our bodies have limits. 

Instead of spreading yourself thin, consider letting your in-house team take the lead on projects. If you’re a solopreneur, you can outsource work to contractors, interns, or even family and friends. It’s crucial to learn the art of delegation, so you get some time to take care of yourself.

Do some Fractal Therapy

Ever noticed how relaxing it can be to gaze at clouds or watch crashing ocean waves? The repeating patterns found in nature are called fractals. They can be man-made, too. Observing these things can instantly put you in a relaxed state. So, when you feel like you need to calm your racing thoughts, take a peep at the tree branches through your office window or watch some fractal videos online.

Add fruit to your diet

Cortisol is the body’s primary stress hormone. Did you know that you can regulate it with vitamin C? Make sure to snack on some fresh fruit or drink a glass of orange juice from time to time. Besides keeping you healthy, it can strengthen your response to stressful situations like difficult clients or a heavy workload.

Try journaling

It can be hard to confide to your officemates about your challenges at work, but bottling up your emotions is also incredibly unhealthy. The solution? Jot down your feelings and experience its cathartic effect.

Hopefully, these stress management techniques will help you take a load off your shoulders. Remember, self-care is crucial to you and your teams well-being and becoming the best version of yourself.